There is winter outside, but a holiday in the soul) But if things are different with you, the situation can be rectified by the production digest of Metinvest. We invite you to take a virtual tour to a winter shapes museum, created by metallurgists and miners. Just wrap up warm. It will be cold, but interesting)
At the entrance you will be greeted by an ice representative of Metinvest Wheels. He is the embodiment of might and power of production machinery.
There is a new emergency vehicle based on the van Volkswagen Crafter at YuGOK. It is intended to carry out emergency and restoration work, eliminate consequences of emergencies.

And this is a technical snowman 2.0, "sculptured" using steel and state-of-the-art technologies) It won't melt down even when the temperature is above zero.
The second start-up complex of the crusher & conveyor system has been commissioned at Pervomaisky open pit mine of Northern Iron Ore Enrichment Works (Northern GOK) of Metinvest Group. The Crusher & Conveyor System consists of two lines.Ore line was started off in 2016.Now it is the turn of the second, rock line.Ore and rock will be transported from the depth of 300 metres to the surface of the open pit mine by a system of belt conveyors.
PJSC "Azovstal" has finished the capital upgrade of the Mixer No.2 with the replacement of the unit body. The new structure is manufactured from more strong steel, it is improved and meets all process conditions.
Furthermore Plate Mill Shop equipment is in progress of revamping at the works.As a part of the investment project ten new units to remove surface defects from metal by the abrasive method have been commissioned.
Specialist of the YАSNO Efficiency company have replaced obsolete incandescent lamps for 420 energy-saving LED fixtures on a turn-key basis at the production sites of Heat Generation Plant and Water Supply Shop, Oxygen and Heat and Power Shops at MMKI.Cable systems and switch rooms have been revamped.

Next in turn is a hall with snow versions of work tools.They gain power only under control of dexterous workers)
"Metinvest Promservice", LLC has finished a major overhaul of the equipment, irreplaceable in the production process - the dogging crane No.3 of Continuous Casting Department of Basic Oxygen Furnace Shop at MMKI.It was being restored 24 hours a day by 30 employees of Weight-Lifting Equipment Repair Shop.
And a large repair of the hydraulic press No. 7 and overhead charging machine was finished at Magnesian Products Shop at PJSC "ZAPOROZHOGNEUPOR".These are the main shop units, responsible for the high quality of refractory products.

But not everything in our museum is made of snow, ice and steel.There are also other materials - modern and environmentally friendly as well.
Metinvest Mariupol has started testing a new technology of slag dumps dust suppression in Grekovataya ravin.A part of the upper layer of the base slag dump is already covered with a specific polymer using a hydraulic gun.It does not only improve the look of the dump, but will also make it possible to prevent dust formation on developed sections.
MMKI is completing the replacement of gas cleaning systems in the building of limestone calcination at Sinter Shop.Instead of obsolete cyclones modern flat bag filters will be installed.Already three calcination machines are equipped with the new cleaning equipment.Works are underway on the last one - the fourth.
Metinvest And SMS Group have signed the Memorandum On Decarbonisation of Production.It will provide the parties with the opportunity to develop and test new technologies to enhance both iron and steelmaking, as well as downstream processes.

And traditionally in the end we left news, that will make your skin crawl.But not from the cold, but from the extent of its importance.
Metinvest Pokrovskсoal has been created as part of Metinvest Group to manage operational and administrative changes at Pokrovske Coal Group enterprises. Among them there are PJSC "CG "POKROVS'KE" and LLC "CONCENTRATING FACTORY "SVIATO-VARVARYNSKA". n printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.