CSR 7/31/2024 Read 6 min

Cooperation and assistance: Metinvest signs another memorandum with Petrіvka community

Metinvest's Central Iron Ore mining and Processing Plant (Central GOK), Non-Governmental Organization "Kryvyi Rih Foundation for the Future" and Petrivka Village Council signed a memorandum of cooperation. The priority areas of cooperation include support for security measures in the community, infrastructure development and landscaping.

For many years, Metinvest Group has been supporting the development of local communities located near its enterprises. The cooperation connects Metinvest's Central GOK with Petrivka community, where the company's employees live, and its iron open-pit mines are located.

Despite the war and economic difficulties, Metinvest continues to implement important projects for the community's residents and those who have found a new home in Petrivka community. This year's memorandum is the tenth one since the start of official relations, but in fact, this cooperation is much older.

Recently, Metinvest's Central GOK has implemented many projects aimed at improving community life: repairs to kindergartens, schools and medical facilities, landscaping of yards, and installation of street lighting. The war made its own adjustments, and humanitarian projects were added to the infrastructure projects. As part of the Saving Lives initiative, humanitarian aid is systematically provided to IDPs and low-income residents of the community in the form of basic necessities, hygiene products, etc. Metinvest and non-governmental organization "Kryvyi Rih Foundation for the Future" also help to equip the shelters.

Novostarodubskyi Lyceum of Petrivka community will now be able to accommodate almost one and a half hundred IDPs if necessary. Thanks to the cooperation with Central GOK, the building of the educational institution, which was built almost 60 years ago, has acquired a modern look. Comfortable living conditions in the renovated premises are the result of joint work between the community and business, carried out under last year's memorandum of cooperation.

Soon, the partners plan to carry out major repairs to the premises of Petrivka Lyceum to equip a shelter. The list of tasks also includes road resurfacing, assistance with clearing illegal landfills, providing organisational and technical support in case of emergencies, and other projects agreed upon under the memorandum.