CSR 7/26/2024 Read 6 min

Kamet-Steel: industrial tourism for young people from all over Ukraine

A sharing of experience for youth has been held in Kamianske recently as part of the national VidNOVA:UA programme, which brought together young people under the age of 35 from different regions of Ukraine. For five days, the guests of the city explored the cultural peculiarities of Dnipropetrovsk region and Kamianske in particular, learning about its history and traditions. The educational and cultural part of the visit also included an excursion to Kamet-Steel.

The young guests had a unique opportunity to see with their own eyes the metallurgical environment of the BOF Shop. They were shown the technological process of producing finished steel. They were able to see that metallurgy is not only a difficult physical working environment, but also a complex intellectual process that requires high qualifications and deep knowledge.

Olha Vinnichеnko

"The VidNOVA:UA programme is aimed at engaging young people in rebuilding Ukraine and promoting volunteerism. We are hosting this exchange in Kamianske  and, of course, it is simply impossible to introduce our guests to our city without showing them the pulsating heart of its industry. There are young people here who have never been to an industrial city, so we wanted them to see how steel is made and what opportunities the steel industry offers. Kamet-Steel is making a significant contribution to the recovery of our country. That is why we are very grateful to the plant for the tour and the warm welcome," says Olha VINNICHENKO, a specialist at the Kamianske Youth Initiatives Centre.

 Inna Solokha

"I came here from Kyiv, and this is my first time travelling in Dnipropetrovsk region. During the city tour, we were told about the enterprise that started the transformation of Kamianske from a village to a town. But now that I have seen your majestic enterprise with my own eyes and realised how much effort and technology is required to produce steel, I understand how powerful it is and how important it is for the Ukrainian economy. I am glad to have been here. Kamet-Steel really impressed me!" said Inna SOLOKHA, ambassador of the VidNOVA:UA programme.